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the new sublabel is born!!!
neues sublabel von mille plateaux- fake
neues sublabel von mille plateaux- fake
DAWID SZCZESNY „unheard treats“ SUPRALINEAR CD order nr. SL 002; also available on 2LP order nr. SL001) (p)&(c)2005 Tracks: *01.the
kiss not made (ilkay) 05:20 *02.noth 08:49 *03.wake 03:56
*04.leigh-anne 07:23 *05.hook-up 02:28 *06.cat on the table 03:13
*07.sleep 03:09 *08.view 04:33 *09.morning 05:11 ++++credits to:
Sebastian Westerhoff/Munich++++Made in Germany++++LC
05967++++EAN:4016217056026++++raistreubel.com * p.o.box 701019 *
D-60560 Frankfurt/Main and raistreubel.com * p.o.box 175 * E-17230
Palamós (Girona)++++ contact:a&r/demo
submission:ninoo@force-inc-music-works.com++++ force inc music works,
forcetracks, forcelab, mille plateaux,supralinear, ritornell, position
alka_rex „shapes to phases“ SUPRALINEAR CD order nr. SL 004; also
available on 2LP order nr. SL003) (p)&(c)2005 All music created by Kaline/Krilov at SP Studios New York 2005
Tracks 3,4,11,12 co-produced with Maks, MASTERED BY TWERK+++ Tracks: *01.latau04:01 *02.dasf 05:12 *03.emitter 07:14 *04.blur shape 02:07 *05.truax06:31 *06.absom gabor 02:56 *07.axis phase 06:30 *08.trace unfold 04:23*09.acuum 05:14 *10.quant gauss 05:40 *11.remote sight 07:58 *12.realtime view 05:55 ++++Made in Germany++++LC 05967++++raistreubel.com *p.o.box 701019 * D-60560 Frankfurt/Main and raistreubel.com * p.o.box 175 * E-17230 Palamós (Girona)++++ EAN:4016217056040++++contact:a&r/demo submission:ninoo@force-inc-music-works.com++++ force
inc music works, forcetracks, forcelab, mille plateaux,supralinear,
ritornell, position chrome.
no fake ha ha
auch fake
hat nichts mit mille plateaux zu tun…
Preview Changes – Force Inc. Music Works
Profile: „Force Inc. Music Works“ was founded in september 1991 . It was distributed via DMD, EFA, PIAS (NL) and SRD (UK).
The previous 14 year catalog and the company was defunct in 2004, because a big mistake of the managing director and owner.
In Nov.2004 we received the message: The new owner of Force Inc. Music Works and all Labels like Mille Plateaux etc. is Rai Streubel ex Force inc. Spain and Germany and Clockwork and CMV +++ rai@raistreubel.com
Parent Label: the new sublabel of *Mille Plateaux = S U P R A L I N E A R
Contact Info: Force Inc. Music Works
Rai Streubel
P.O. Box 70 10 19
D-60560 Frankfurt/Main
P.O.Box 175
E-17230 Palamós (Girona) Catalunya
E.mail: rai@force-inc-music-works.com
E.mail: ninoo@force-inc-music-works.com
E.mail: rai@raistreubel.com
E.mail: rai@supralinear.org
E.mail: ninoo@supralinear.org
Distribution:by http://www.raistreubel.com
URLs: http://www.force-inc-music-works.com
Distribution:by http://www.raistreubel.com
E.mail: rai@force-inc-music-works.com
E.mail: ninoo@force-inc-music-works.com
E.mail: rai@force-inc-music-works.com
E.mail: rai@supralinear.org
E.mail: ninoo@supralinear.org
Distribution:by http://www.raistreubel.com
ein fettarsch mit einer riesengroßen hohlen birne
namens rainer streubel wird wie etwas mit mit mille plateaux zu
tun haben der muß in die klappse
hey leute,
bitte nicht persoenlich werden, ja?
kommentare mit drohungen und weiteren beleidigungen fliegen raus oder kommen erst gar nicht rein, ok?
dann schmeisst die mail von achim szepanski einfach raus, um fuenf uhr morgens schreibt nur einer total besoffen solchen unsinn!!!
SUPRALINEAR presents: alka_rex
und am ende vom clip seht ihr…
und hier noch was, wenn ihr wirklich wissen wollt was wahr, ist, usw. dann macht einen klick bei
wenn ihr wirklich wissen wollt was wahr ist, etc. dann…
Das spricht mich an, weiß jemand ob´s die Platten schon gibt?
Interviews on Techno.de
Force Inc. (11.05.2005)
Held by: Mirko Seifert
After the beginning of the process of insolvency on the label Force Inc.
(including all its sub-labels) many fans are asking: How to continue?
Techno.de talked to the new owner, Rainer Streubel.
Techno.de: “In former times” Force Inc. was identical to Achim Szepanski.
Who is now the character behind the label?
Rai Streubel: Now there are two persons standing for the label: Ninoo and
Rainer Streubel. My spheres of responsibility are distribution and
management/administration, the spheres of Ninoo are artists/repertoire,
promotion and contents. As we are only two persons at the moment working as
team, our scopes of function sometimes overlap.
Techno.de: What was your most important action after having taken possession
of Force Inc.?
Rai Streubel: First I like to explain: I did not take possession of Force
Inc. Force Inc. had to declare insolvency, and the administrator of
insolvency arranged the possibility to buy Force Inc. as it is the quite
normal proceeding to pay the burden of debt of a company. So, everybody then
has the chance to buy – in form of so-called “asset deals” – parts of or the
whole company. In this way, I bought for example the labels, the sound
carriers, the rights, the Internet domain etc. You do not buy liabilities
when you close those deals because you are not responsible for the mistakes
of your predecessor, and by the purchase you already contribute to the
reduction of the debts. From the mercantile point of view I did not make a
bargain because I am one of the many creditors of Force Inc. with an
accepted salary claim about 86.000,- Euro. To answer your question: my most
important action was to deal with the chaotic situation.
Techno.de: Is there anybody left from the former team of Force Inc.?
Rai Streubel: Nobody except myself. The team of Force Inc. had never been
very big, and the personal centre always and only was represented by Achim
Szepanski. The team never consisted of more than three persons.
Techno.de: You are often on journey. Who guarantees that the publications on
Force Inc. (and sub-labels) always come out?
Rai Streubel: As I mentioned above, Ninoo and me are forming a team, I care
for the commercial part, Ninoo cares for the artists and the contents. And
owing to the Ubiquitos and Augmented Reality today the local distance does
not play any role. If we did not work completely online: what would you
think about our company as an electronic label?
Techno.de: How did the artists react when they heard that you would continue
Force Inc.? For there were and there are long and strong relations between
some artists and Achim Szepanski?
Rai Streubel: There were very different reactions: beginning from 100 %
positive reaction, sometimes a neutral reaction with a wait-and-see
attitude, up to 100 % negative reactions. Concerning his way how to deal
with people, Achim is not careful, and artists are sensitive and normally
not very thick-skinned. Some of them could stand it and are still good
friends of Achim, while others refuse any further contact.
The mistake I unfortunately made at the beginning was to react very
emotionally to Achim´s defamation attacks so that some artists felt
offended. That is what I now regret. Today I silently endure his attacks
that are still persisting. The worldwide positive resonance on “Supralinear”
proves that he obviously does not have success. Besides, the situation and
emotions of Achim or myself are not important. The label is important as a
platform for a very special music, art and for outstanding artists.
Techno.de: What are your main intentions at the moment? A certain label,
singles or music albums? Is Germany still a main market for you or only good
for downloads of music?
Rai Streubel: Of course, at the moment we concentrate our actions on
Supralinear, on a album-sub-label of Mille Plateaux and the forth-coming
releases. So for example on Alka_Rex “Shapes to phases”, two outstanding
minimal artists from New York City. “Shapes to phases” was mastered by no
less a person than Shawn Hatfield, better known as “Twerk”, in his studio
“Audibleoditties” in San Francisco. He did an excellent job and said about
Alka_Rex: “At last, after a long time, this is music that makes fun.” And
the fantastic resonance to the test release confirms his estimation to 100
The second release is Dawid Szczésny “Unheard treats”, a very young artist,
who among other things successfully works as Hip Hop DJ. “Unheard treats” is
a very chilly, silent and very unusual, nearly melancholy album with an
extra portion of magic. At present, Dawid Szczésny is working at a manifesto
together with the Australian electro-musician Sofie Loizou, and has
successfully finished his tour with “September collective”.
We are preparing a sub-label of Force-tracks that perhaps also will produce
single releases. We still cannot publish the title.
The people listening to our music is dot about all over the world. We are
not thinking in German or other territorial label policy. Our most important
intention is to make music easily accessible for all persons who like it,
including of course the downloads.
Techno.de: Why are your websites not online yet?
Rai Streubel:
a) http://www.supralinear.org unfortunately at the moment is not yet complete.
b) http://www.force-inc-music-works.com is the former and well-known website and
temporarily accessible only for commercials with access-codes. The reason is
that we have to think about the somewhat stale form of the website.
c) Milleplateauxmedia is “on construction” on the website
http://www.raistreubel.com. Here we have the same problem as I mentioned above.
Techno.de: Where the fans of Force Inc. may send their demos to?
Rai Streubel: To: ninoo@force-inc-music-works.com
Or by ordinary mail to:
Rai Streubel
Postfach 70 10 19
60560 Frankfurt/Main
Or to:
Rai Streubel
P.O. Box 175
17230 Palamós (Girona)
All demos at the end arrive on Ninoo´s table.
Techno.de: Did you buy the complete back-catalogue? And what about all the
sub-labels: Who is now the owner of rights?
Rai Streubel: Yes, I bought the sub-labels and actually also the
back-catalogue, but unfortunately the situation is very chaotic because some
contracts are missed or never existed, other contracts later were dissolved
or changed and so on. If I really were this cold manager as they like to
maintain in the surroundings of Achim, I already would have initiated
temporary injunctions against artists, labels and distribution companies and
would have earned a lot of money. But I am not interested in those things.
Techno.de: The experience says that “sunken” labels never succeed to rise
again, like for example the label Hardhouse. How do you see the future of
Force Inc.?
Rai Streubel: Extremely positive. On the one hand, Force-Inc. never sank
concerning the contents but was ruined because of a mismanagement,
concretely because of persons who are not able to deal with money. The
demand for a product like Force-Inc. still is great and is proved by the
positive resonance on “Supralinear”. The classic listener of Milleplateaux
distinguish by a very reflected form of thinking and high demands on
quality, content and artistic independence and innovation. These demands
depend on special mechanisms that are not changeable at one´s pleasure and
that only can be realized by a very small number of labels and artists. But
the demand on this form of music will rise in the future. And a label of
this category, whatever its name is, always is and will be independent from
the so-called “label war” between Achim and me; that is what the many
statements have shown.
Techno.de: For many years Force Inc. (including sub-labels) was standing for
a certain sound, for a unique image. Do you will continue this sound or
develop it? Which image do you like Force Inc. to have?
Rai Streubel: A person who expects that all will be as it was, or who is
thinking that you can create an image on such a label did not realize a main
thinking of this music. The principle of a non-significant fracture will
continue existing. A rhizome is able to break at a certain point and to
continue growing along his or along other, different sides. The character of
Force Inc. always was to grow up into several directions and this will
continue. Ninoo is not Achim, and Achim is not Ninoo, but you may consider
this without any judgement because the main thing is the main idea of the
label and, that the people listening to it will be satisfied and wait with
close attention for our releases.
Techno.de: Thank you very much for the interview!
Rai Streubel: Thank you and all the best for you. Rai Streubel.
Link: http://www.force-inc-music-works.com
wer ist denn hier webmaster?
hier wird unter meinem namen gepostet in einem style der recht unphunkeee ist…
das muss nicht sein.
was tun?
liebe gruesse
dr walker
club camouflage koeln
Is there any contact info for Rainer Streubel?. I need to send him a proposal.
Meine neuen Aktivitäten.
ich möchte kurz einen kleinen Teil meiner neuen Aktivitäten vorstellen:
Sicherheitsdienst für Events, Türsteher für Clubs, Bodyguards, (ebenso spezialisiert in gay and lesbian szene); Inkasso service (wir haben den schwarz gekleideten Mann und noch viel mehr kreative und erfolgreiche Aktivitäten bezüglich Forderungsbeitreibung).
Small Budget Consulting für Künstler und Independents.
Business Affairs/Legal Affairs
Tierschutz/Hilfe,Ideen usw.
Musik und Kunst
Ich freue mich über Euren Kontakt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
My new activities.
I would like to present a small part of my new activities briefly:
Security services for Events, Doormen for Clubs, Bodyguards, (likewise scene in gay and lesbian) collection service (we specializes have that black dressed man and many more creative and successful activities concerning demand recovery).
Small Budget Consulting for artists and independents.
Business affairs / Legally affairs
Animal protection/Help, Ideas etc.
Music and art
Please don´t hesitate to contact me
best wishes
Quantik Shamanism Through Digital Western
CCCP ® or C.C.C.P. ® feat. MEYHIEL are going to release their 7th album
in November 2007 on the „Art label” *MILLEPLATEAUXMEDIA
http://www.raistreubel.com (CD / 2×12“ / Download).
CCCP from Frankfurt/Main Germany, now only consists of the original
Bandleader Rasputin Stoy aka Rai Streubel. World-famous band since
1984,chart titles in Europe, Asia and the U.S.A were “American-Soviets”,
“Made in Russia” and “Orient Express”. These titles were released on one of the
first EBM/ Techno labels CLOCKWORK ® records from Frankfurt/Main in Germany. CCCP released later on labels like Amnesia records from Frankfurt/Main (Germany), Happy Music from Paris (France), Blanco y Negro in Barcelona (Spain), BMG Bruxelles (BeNeLux), BMG Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), BMG (GSA + Scandinavia) & Oak Lawn Dallas TX (U.S.A) followed by several compilation releases, e.g. V/A: Jean Paul Gaultier
Junior Collection (BMG Pacific), as well as tours in France, Germany and
the U.S.A.
The second album “ The Hallucinogenic Toreador” was also released on
Clockwork ® records. This record was the beginning of a new style
CHILL / ELECTRONICA and one of the reasons why Mille Plateaux was founded.
Now the first release of CCCP feat. MEYHIEL on *MILLEPLATEAUXMEDIA
Rasputin Stoy (CCCP) has developed his qualities in producing, arranging,
rmx and A & R / Marketing over the years. He discovered for the second time
an artist from Aix `N´ Provence in France.(First discovery: K-LED,
Tomorrow in the morning, Force inc. http://www.raistreubel.com and http://www.totalrecall.eu
Second discovery: Romain Strugala aka MEYHIEL.
Rasputin Stoy said: The style of Meyhiel meets exactly my idea of the style
of a new CCCP album in 2007/8 so I decided not to produce a new album and
give my support to Meyhiel and his great work.
Meyhiel = Romain Strugala, born in 1982 Aix En Provence,France.
This french artist from south of France collects sounds he recorded and
sampled to play with, in his laptop.
He also plays with his guitars, synths and his voices to create a fine
balance between analog and digital sounds. this alchemy producing a music
between electronica, abstract hip hop, mash up and emo …
his influences are Warp’s sounds and many more… He collaborated with zol
and his label bourbaki records , with some confidential releases. He played
live act for the famous french international festival „Territoires Electroniques“
( http://www.biomix.org) in 2005 and 2006.
He also working as producer, composer and singer.
CDx1 Order No: 1625
EAN: 4250026316258
2×12” Vinyl Disc Order No: 1625
EAN: 4250026317194
and Foxxy Music
Agency of Download:
/ Ed. Amnesia, etc.)
RAI STREUBEL ja den kenn ich gut, mit dem Sack war ich auf 1990 auf Tour in den U.S.A. Und ich hab schon immer gesagt, dass der Dicke ein STEHAUFMÄNNSCHEN ist. Den kriegt keiner Platt! Der hats doch echt geschafft noch Bodyguard mit 46 Jahren zu werden.3000m rennt er in 12 Minuten und das mit 108kg und ist einer der besten Schützen im Verteidigungsschiessen ala israel camp. Er hat sogar in 2006 für die US Army als Guard gearbeitet. Und jetzt ist er wieder im Music & Film Business voll im Rennen, da ist er nämlich Head of Sales And A & R für Total Recall. Ich wuensch im jedenfalls alle Gute. verdient hat er es, wenn er auch oft sehr anstrengend war. Drago
Message 1 of 815 move to… Inbox Drafts Sent Junk Trash FoldersInbox (1)
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Subject: the story of the century ELECTRONICA ART LABEL * MILLE PLATEAUX.
Sender: rai
Recipient: rai@totalrecall.eu
Date: Today 15:50
To protect your privacy, remote images are blocked in this message. Display images
I might have the story of the century in terms of the largest ELECTRONICA
Achim Szepanski(Labels *Mille Plateaux, etc., and writer Suhrkamp and
Weissbooks) and Rai Streubel (Producer / Head of A & R / Sales @ Total
Recall + @ various labels like Clockwork, CMV, * Mille Plateaux Media,
are best friends again after 4 years of war.
This could be described as a really cool, after viewing the war, which
could be seen in blogs like De:Bug, etc.
If you are interested in the story, Rai and Achim are available for
Also on the new cooperation between A. Szepanski and Total Recall/Rai.
All the best in 2008
*Mille Plateaux family
Good news from Germany!
March 20, 2008 Total Recall e.K. (Marcus Gabler CEO) = the new owner of *Mille Plateaux
Achim Szepanski = The Head of *Mille Plateaux (Music,Film, Games, Books)
Also in touch with NicoleSuzanne aka Ninoo (Supralinear).
and Rai Streubel = the Head of B2B (at) TOTAL RECALL e.K.
We are based in Frankfurt/Main Area, also LION, LUMIS & DUC (the new polar bear).
*Mille Plateaux = looking for electronica (audio & video and literature) we
release only „all region code dvd“ or dvd incl. book; like the soundculture
release of Achim Szepanski(www. edition-mille-plateaux. com) Achim
= Head of *Mille Plateaux/A&R acs@edition-mille-plateaux.com
Supralinear = looking for high „groovy“ quality …..better you speak
direct to Nicole Suzanne Neumann = Head of Supralinear/A&R
nic@supralinear.net Today April 13, 2008 she is working the first day
after the break…webpage and myspace is not ready! Hope in a few days is
*Milleplateauxmedia = now only a label for french artists, powered by a
sponsor and Rai Streubel
Best wishes
Rai Streubel http://www.myspace.com/cccpamericansoviets
Head of B2B)
Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 28-30/G8
63322 Roedermark
Rai Streubel
(1982 Karstadt, 1984 Bellaphon-Motown, Westside, Clockwork records, 1985 Bear Family, SPV, Corona, 1988 ZYX-Metallic, 1989 Semaphore,1990 USA TOUR C.C.C.P. 1992 Fire Engine, CMV, 1996 N678All, 2002 Force Inc, Mille Plateaux, 2004 Milleplateauxmedia, 2005 Supralinear,2007/8 Total Recall)
Man mag von ihm halten was man will, aber er ist momentan wohl einer der besten „Geschäftsleute“ im Musikgeschäft. Kein anderer versteht es mit wirklich geringen Mitteln und technischem Aufwand so erfolgreich zu sein.
Klar die Firma Total Recall und der Inhaber Marcus Gabler geben ihm den support den er braucht . Aber wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, ist das Niveau bei Total Recall konstant niedrig geblieben und er hat trotzallem viel erreicht. Hat er es doch geschafft das Mille Plateaux Label von Werner Schrödel ex EFA an Total Recall zu übertragen und Achim Szepanski als Leiter dieses renomierten Electronica Label einzusetzen. Obwohl er einen riesen Ärger mit Achim Szepanski hatte, das ganze konnte man online beim Magazin für elektronische Lebensaspekte DE:BUG verfolgen.
Was die musikalische Seite angeht, so hatte Rai Streubel schon immer einen guten Riecher, auch schon in den 80igern was die internationalen Chartplatzierungen angeht. Mit extremen Sounds und einer simplen und doch genialen Melodie (Hookline), gelang es ihm kommerzielle Single-Hits zu erzielen.
Natürlich hat er viele Neider und sie reden oft schlecht von ihm, Pirate Rai , Rotlichtmileu, Freund von Hells Angels, Ritze usw. , jedoch darf man im Musikgeschäft nie vergessen, dass das sein Beruf ist…Er muß nunmal Geld verdienen, und nutzt nunmal in der mittlerweile dritten Phase seiner Karriere das Ganze um sich ein weiteres finanzielles Polster anzufressen. Ich denke dass in 5 Jahren keiner mehr was mit ihm zu tun haben will, aber das weiß er wohl auch….deshalb ist es ganz normal, daß man die Zeit nutzt.
So lange seine Projekte die er verwirklicht und umsetzt sich verkaufen lassen, kann mir niemand erzählen, der Streubel hätte es nicht drauf.
Was Qualität angeht, klar, da kann man bei ihm klare Abzüge machen, aber an seine Genialität als Geschäftsmann da kommt hier in Europa so schnell kein Anderer im Entertainment Business ran.
Er ist nicht nur Leiter der B2B Abteilung bei Total Recall, sondern auch einer der cleversten Leute derzeit im Biz. Er hat klar erkannt, dass Mille Plateaux sein Plateaux ist um die Bereiche Film, Literatur und Games zu knacken wie er es mit seinen simplen Worten beschreiben würde, und siehe da….er hat wieder alles richtig gemacht und ist wieder im Gespräch….der finanzielle Aufwand ist dabei fast null…
Ich bin mir jetzt schon sicher dass ich ihn in Hong Kong 2008 bei Amazia antreffe und mal schaun ob er da das Buch Table Dance by Achim Szepanski in englischer Übersetzung im Rucksack hat. Egal wo, ob bei Suhrkamp oder bei Edition Mille Plateaux verlegt, der Streubel wird es vermarkten und er weiss ganz genau das Achims Buch ein geniales Werk ist.
Roedermark (near Frankfurt), Germany, October 2008
Dear Artists,
we are aware of the issues many of you had with the previous owners of Mille Plateaux. However, we weren’t aware of them when we acquired Mille Plateaux from Disco Incl in April 2008.
About digital sales after 2003
A range of titles remained for sale in online stores after the bankrupcy of Force Inc. Music Works. We are currently trying to to secure some of these funds and obtain sales statements.
In August 2008, we finally managed to have the digital distributor take down all relevant tracks from online stores. By now, they should be offline. We recently found some releases beeing still online in LastFM, though. We currently have a request running with them about who put that online.
However, we’d like to point out that we never received any monies from those online sales. All we got from this is a lot of work, trouble and (understandable but unjustified) mistrust. We highly discourage any incorrect behaviour of the previous owners.
About Achim Szepanski
We originally planed to work with Achim as a freelance A&R and consultant. It turned out that a fruitful cooperation wasn’t possible at all. In fact, we now have business claims against him, too. As of Summer 2008, we no longer have any relationship with Achim whatsoever. Noone here has personal objections with him and we all only hope he will overcome his own issues.
About us
My company Total Recall is in the music sales & distribution business since 1993 – just as long as Mille Plateaux existed. You will find us on all important music platforms incl. Amazon, Ebay, Gemm etc. I am a musician myself, and my former labels owe me big time for my band OKAY, believe me.
We are here to proove those issues will not happen again. I hope for your trust an understanding. Now, let’s leave the mess behind and focus on our work.
Thank you, Marcus Gabler.
(Owner / A&R Mille Plateaux)
Death to Passion….the end has come.
Greetings! No, this isn’t a depressing, sad post….a somewhat bittersweet, happy post!
Achim, Rai, Stefan, The Animals, The girls, God, The heros…
I must explain the title:
For the last four years (since we’ve run this group home), I have been nursing a beautiful Passion Flower (pictured here). I bought it because I needed to see REAL growth.RHIZOME!? The kids in our group home were always growing, but not very fast and sometimes it felt like they weren’t growing at all. So I bought a „difficult to grow in the northeast FFM-Area“ plant because I wanted a pet…something to watch….something to observe, something beautiful that didn’t talk back, fight or hate my cooking…something to teach me.
Every year I fertilized it, killed its awful pests like earwigs and aphids. I pruned it, cut its flowers to bless others and in the winter, I would bundle it up with fleece and newspaper to make sure this tropical plant would make it to the next spring without difficulty.
The Lord used it in so many ways throughout our time here. It would grow up to 100 feet every summer!!! It was the talk of the neighborhood and I had the opportunity to tell its admirers the story of the Passion (where it got its name).
I would wait with bated breath each spring to see the first sign of growth on it….and then it would take off covering the entire fence with blossoms and bees. I knew the Lord gave the plant to me to keep me going through the tough spots in our job.
But this year, with the harsh extended winter, the Passion Flower Vine died. Yes, I went out in late February to fertilize it and realized that the bark had turned a deep brown. I fertilized it anyway and hoped for the best. Then in March, I gave it a little shake to see if its branches were soft or crackly…..soft, it was holding on for dear life. Then in April, I took the fleece off, fertilized it once more and pruned it.
Then today, with the bark as black as poop, the branches cracked off….dead. I peeled the bark to see if there was a pest that could be blamed for the death….no pest. Clean.
Then God spoke to me…..He said, „I gave that plant to YOU and now that you are leaving, I am taking it away. You aren’t going to be here to take care of it and no one will be blessed by it as much as you, so I want you to take it out. Your time here is done.“
For me, it was another confirmation that God has ordained our steps. We were to stay here in the group home four years, not two, not three, four. And we were to leave. The Passion Flower’s season had ended and ours, too.
Saturday, we said a weepy good-bye to our favorite girls in our group home and ached deep inside. We’ve had them for all four years and no doubt they will always have a place in our home wherever we go.
They have grown so much…more than any plant ever could. We will never forget the Lord’s goodness, His provision, and the simple pleasures He’s given me…..like my Passion Flower.
Be blessed and keep us in your prayers! Week one of my new nutrition plan from the naturopath is finished! The moving sale went awesome! This week is moving week and we are running around like chickens with our heads chopped off! My dear friend, Achim, is coming this weekend to hang and be a blessing (which isn’t hard for her to do!)! AND, we have a final farewell benefit concert happening at our church on June 2 featuring a number of artists! It’s free and it should be a gas! Let me know if you’re interested in coming. June 24th is our last Sunday at our church, too. They are praying over us and sending us off. If any of you can make it, please come as we would like to say good-bye. The service starts at 10 am. Have a blessed weekend!
posted by Rai Streubel
—————FIN ——————–
Инфа интересная, мне понравилось. Автору спс.
Побольше бы таких работ.
Добавлю в избранное, написано не плохо
Думаю стоит добавить в избранное, мне понравилось
Понравилась статья.Буду следить за комментами….
Неплохая подборка в блоге, хорошо сделано, автору спс.
В целом статья мне понравилась, но требует некоторых доработок.
Я бы даже сказал всего одну. Хотелось бы прочитать в более развёрнутов виде
As of February 2009, Rai Streubel is no longer with mille Plateaux / Total Recall.
Get ready for MILLE PLATEAUX 3.0 early 2010 !!!
Чего-то очень мало у вас комментов=(
I never ever post but this time I will,Thanks alot for the great blog.
Statement! We have definitly nothing to do with Okayband-Marcus Gabler (Total Recall, Mille
Plateaux ,…)
Rai Streubel
Achim Szepanski
MILLEPLATEAUXMEDIA Rai Streubel http://www.streubel.es
SUPRALINEAR Nicole Neumann + Rai Streubel http://www.supralinear.eu
EDITION MILLE PLATEAUX Achim Szepanski http://www.edition-mille-plateaux.com
Вы найдете это очень приятно!
Она радует нас
Ахим и РАИ
…konstruktive Argumente wie sie Herr Gabler wuenscht um wieder mal bei Achim Szepanski zu ……, Netikette,Chatiquette – das alles hasse ich (Spiesertum, geistige Unbeweglichkeit), werdet doch Gartenfreunde, dann koennt ihr die Natur kontrollieren und den Rasen immer schoen kurz schneiden. Oder geht zur Flirtline ala Kermit der Frosch. Mir reichts… Nice weekend!!!
Drei schwarz gekleidete Maenner haben am Sonntag den 30. Mai 2010 gegen 23:00 Uhr den Radiosender Radio X in Frankfurt am Main/Germany gestuermt.
Achim Szepanski, Rai Streubel und Freaky Franky („Rhizomatique“ Literaturverlag und Musiklabel) haben sich kurzentschlossen den Sender zu stuermen, als sie Live erleben mussten, dass Marcus Gabler ein Mille Plateaux und Clicks und Cuts Interview gab, das voller Naivitaet, unternehmerischer Durchtriebenheit und vor allem ein Schande fuer das von Achim Szepanski (Genehmigt durch Gilles Deleuze †) 1991 gegruendete Musiklabel Mille Plateaux (Electronica) ist.
Nach heftigen Beschimpfungen durch die Rhizomatique Crew und auch starker Kritik am Sender, ist Gabler schnellstens verschwunden um nicht noch mehrer Verbalattacken von den aufgebrachten Rhizomatique Labelbetreibern ertragen zu muessen.
Radio X wird demnaechst ein Interview mit Achim Szepanski (Autor, Lektor und Label A&R, „WWW.RHIZOMATIQUE.COM“) arrangieren.
Das sollte man nicht verpassen!
Infos demnaechst auf der Webseite des Labels und Literaturverlags:
—-31. Mai 2010————–FIN——————————-
best wishes
the real plateaux